X-ray Crystallography
Structure validation and analysis
Databases & Computing
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Sequence Tools
- Entrez
- Sulfolobus solfataricus (P2 complete genome sequencing project)
- M. thermoautotrophicum
- OWL (Composite Protein Sequence Database)
- BSA (Biological Sequence Analysis group - Cambridge)
- EXPASY (Expert Protein Analysis System)
- Jalview
- Multiple Sequence Alignment for Proteins
- PROTEIN CALCULATOR (Will compute MW, pI, met-to-SeMet MW, charge, atom and residue count, UV absorb, and crystal solvent content)
- Enzyme Digests 2
- Profile (Plot Amino Acid Physico-chemical Properties)
- Nickpred (Prediction of limited proteolysis results based on the 3D structure)
- Compare (Makes an Sequence alignment based on a structural superposition)
- ALSCRIPT (A tool to format multiple sequence alignments)
- ESPript (Another tool to format multiple sequence alignments)
- CINEMA (Colour INteractive Editor for Multiple Alignments)
General Lab Supplies
Molecular Biology Supplies
Protein Purification Supplies
- Avestin (High pressure homogenizers and & membrane extruders)
- Amersham Biosciences
Crystallization Supplies
- Hampton Research (Crystallization supplies)
- Emerold BioStructures (Crystallization supplies)
- JenaBioScience (Crystallization and Cryo-kits and Br and I labeled nucleotides)
- Cyberlab Crystallization robot
- Diversified Scientific, Inc. (Products for macromolecular crystal growers)
- Douglas Instruments Crystallization Robot
- Protein Solutions (Makers of Dynamic Light Scattering Instruments)
- Wyatt Technology (Makers of Muti-Angle Light Scattering (MALS) Instruments)
X-ray Equipment
- UBC-BMB (UBC Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
- UBC-Chem (UBC Department of Chemistry)
- UBC-BRC (UBC Biomedical Research Centre)
- UBC-BL (UBC Biotechnology Laboratory)
- UBC office of research services
- UBC Library
- UBC Info.
- UBC Map
- SFU-MBB (SFU Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)
- SFU (Simon Fraser University Main Page)
- SFU research personnel (SFU policy on employment of personnel funded from research grants and contracts)
- SFU Science Stores
- SFU ORS (SFU Office of Research Services)
- SFU Research Grants Facilitation (The Center for Systems Science’s Research Grants Facilitators at SFU)
- SFU HR (Human Resouces)
- SFU Radiation Safety Office
Other Universities
- UBC e-journals
- Biochemistry
- Science
- Nature
- Cell
- EMBO Journal
- Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
- Journal of Biological Chemistry
- Protein Science
- Proteins
- Protein Engineering
- Protein Expression and Purification
- Journal of Molecular Biology
- Chemistry & Biology
- Acta Crystallographica Section D - Biological Crystallography
- Acta Crystallographica Section A - Foundations of Crystallography
- ASM journals
- J. Bacteriology
- Molecular Microbiology
- Nature Cell Biology
- Nature Drug Discovery
- Nature Biotechnology
- Nature Reviews - Molecular Cell Biology
- Biochemical Journal
- Biophysical Journal
- Journal of Structural Biology
- The Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
- FEBS Letter
- Analytical Biochemistry
Granting Agencies
- CIHR (Canadian Institute of Health Research)
- Common CV
- CIHR grant info
- NSERC (National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
- MSFHR (The Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research BC)
- CFI (Canada Foundation for Innovation)
- BCKDF (British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund)
- NIH (National Institute of Health)
- NSF (National Science Foundation)
- HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
- GenomeCanada
- Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada
- Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon
- NCIC (The National Cancer Institute of Canada)
- March of Dimes